Our research group is involved in many projects, but they all share the common goal of improving the experiences and outcomes of undergraduate STEM students.
Student Perspectives on Inclusion in the Classroom
Associate Professor, Robert Furrow, PhD
Undergraduate Student: Bianca Cruz Uruguayo
Making courses inclusive has become a priority in many institutions of Higher Education. Yet this work is mostly being done using a "Top Down" approach, where institutions are making changes without asking the key stakeholders: students for their opinions and advise.This project centers student voices by asking them to identify the factors that they believe are important to make courses inclusive.

Impact of Chicanx Studies Courses on STEM students
Professor Chicano/a Studies: Natalia Deeb Sossa, PhD
HSI Director: Lina Mendez, PhD
Studies in K-12 have shown that Ethnic Studies courses strengthen academic engagement and empowerment for students of color. At present, however, little data is available on the impacts of Ethnic Studies courses on educational outcomes for college students, let alone STEM students of color. At UC Davis, 40% of Chicanx STEM students take a Chicanx Studies courses (CSC) each quarter. We are interested in understanding the motivations for students to engage in these courses and how Chicanx Studies courses contribute to the experiences and sense of belonging of Chicanx STEM students. We use a variety of methods to answer these questions, including surveys, interviews and analysis of secondary data.

Experiences of STEM Students on Academic Probation
Prof. Chicano/a Studies: Natalia Deeb Sossa, PhD
HSI Director: Lina Mendez, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar: Ambar Hernandez Negrete, PhD
This project focuses on: (1) Students on Academic Probation/ Subject to Dismissal status; as these statuses are strong predictors of dropping out of STEM; (2) Students who have switched out of STEM majors; (3) STEM Students on good academic standing. This mixed methods study combines qualitative (interviews) and quantitative data (surveys and secondary data). The first step in this project was to collect survey data from Latinx students in STEM on campus. We then conducted interviews on Latinx students in STEM who were on academic probation. Little is known about the challenges and decision making processes undertaken by students on academic probation as they navigate their return to good academic standing; a process critical to their retention and success. In addition, to the best of my knowledge, this project is the first one to look at this issue in Latinx students in STEM.